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You Should be Reading…Innovation America

So the thing with the Internet is that there is so much information it is hard to know what websites to actually keep an eye on or what ones to subscribe to, to get that nugget of information or advice or business idea. We have talked about a number of sites here before including Techcrunch, VentureBeat, Siliconrepublic and Springwise.

Here is another extremely helpful website: Innovation America. This site is literally chock-full of information on a range of subjects, including innovation, economic development, venture news and more. It is produced by Richard A. Bendis, who is the Founder, President and CEO of Innovation America (IA), a global innovation intermediary focused on accelerating the growth of the entrepreneurial innovation economy Internationally and in America. Part of this is the first email I look at in the morning, innovationDAILY (ID) a Daily Electronic Newsletter, reporting on the Daily Pulse of Global Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Angel/Seed and Venture Capital and Innovation Based Economic Development.(IBED). ID has over 125,000 unique visitors in over 185 countries with readership growing all the time.

Bendis is also a global advocate for accelerating awareness of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Early Stage Capital in stimulating Innovation- Based Economic Development (IBED), as well as an international speaker on building Innovation and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems. Mr. Bendis is a distinguished and successful entrepreneur, corporate executive, venture capitalist, investment banker, innovation and technology based economic development leader, international speaker and consultant in Innovation and Economy Building.

The daily email and the website is a must for those in the entrepreneurship space, particularly those interested in innovation and entrepreneurship around higher education and the triple helix arena.

  1. December 16, 2010 at 17:06

    While very informative. There seems to be a concentration on America. However, many opportunities or untapped returns exist in Africa. Are there any links to sites that help start ups in africa.

  2. February 21, 2011 at 23:07

    Thank you for the information. I am really looking forward to more entreprenuership activities in Africa which I believe has a lot of untapped market. Will surely visit the link.

    Thank you again.

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